About Me

I am an 11 year old kid who likes to rant about things that people don't understand. the only people I like are ones that are okay with how much I know.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Worldbuilders diary 2: Species

This is the second post of a series that I am hoping to continue quite far. the series is about worldbuilding (creating an imaginary world) and how hard it is.

Next post in series (will be a link when the next post is ready)

This post is about species in your imaginary world (I do not mean races. races are "a population within a species that is distinct in some way, especially a subspecies." or "a group or set of people or things with a common feature or features." (I copied those both from the google dictionary))

I am making the species for my world by taking common fantasy species like elves or dwarves. and giving them unique features. like having elves specialize in fire magic (which they would need in the icy mountains they used to live in) or having dwarves grow magic plants underground.

I hope that the two species ideas I have shared give you ideas for other ones. and I hope that you post your ideas in the comments.

Merry Christmas

it is Christmas! Now I no longer will feel annoyed at the fact that only my sister will enjoy the playmobil that we get from the advent cale...