About Me

I am an 11 year old kid who likes to rant about things that people don't understand. the only people I like are ones that are okay with how much I know.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Disproving random conspiricy theories

Sigh... there are so many conspiracy theories with massive flaws in their logic. here are a few that I can disprove:

flat earth theory:

This is one of the more ridiculous theories. I can disprove this in seconds just with simple science, gravity pulls you towards the center of the earth. If the earth was flat then the further you go from the center of the earth the more you would be pulled sideways. Since people are pulled down no matter where they are then the earth must not be flat.

faked moon landing theory:

Don't you think that if NASA was faking sending people to the moon they would have gone to the moon more then once and not have faked it in such a way that they only fake stuff that they could have realistically done in real life?

big pharma theory:

Are people really dumb enough that they think that the government is getting rid of "completely true" fake/one time evidence and replacing it with "fake" easily provable repeated double blind trials?
Alternative medicine is just medicine witch hasn't been proven to work (or has been proven to not work). It isn't medicine that will cut into the sales of "big pharma's poisonous medicine."

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