About Me

I am an 11 year old kid who likes to rant about things that people don't understand. the only people I like are ones that are okay with how much I know.

Monday, August 5, 2019

Why I chose slime mold master as my username

If you are reading this blog you have probably noticed that my username is slime mold master. you may be wondering what a slime mold is and why I call myself a "slime mold master." a  slime mold is a type of creature that can live as one cell but combines in to multiple to reproduce. the slime mold that I know most about is called the physarum polycephalum or "many headed slime" I got a couple of samples of physarum polycephalum as a Christmas gift a while ago (it is just awesome that my parents are willing to get me samples of physarum polycephalum) after a few failed attempts I stopped trying to grow the samples and left them. because physarum polycephalum can hibernate for many years I recently reawoke the physarum polycephalum samples that I got a few years ago.
 I chose slime mold master as my username because I am the only person I know, outside of my family, who knows about slime molds. and it sounded like a cool name.

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